One Step Closer to Self-Healing Systems

CodeComet leverages LLMs to monitor and debug production APIs. Our API Copilot detects errors, analyzes relevant sources like stack traces, and suggests resolutions including code fixes.

One Step Closer to Self-Healing Systems

CodeComet leverages LLMs to monitor and debug production APIs. Our API Copilot detects errors, analyzes relevant sources like stack traces, and suggests resolutions including code fixes.

One Step Closer to Self-Healing Systems

CodeComet leverages LLMs to monitor and debug production APIs. Our API Copilot detects errors, analyzes relevant sources like stack traces, and suggests resolutions including code fixes.

Here's how our API Copilot empowers your team…

Here's how our API Copilot empowers your team…

Here's how our API Copilot empowers your team…

Detect and resolve API errors

Automatically detect, analyze and receive suggested fixes for errors.

Monitor and address API performance issues

Monitor performance anomalies and get actionable advice to resolve them.

Ask Me Anything (AMA) with your API

Ask questions about your API using natural language. The easiest way to gain insights into your system.

…and more coming soon!

We are actively developing new functionality that we are eager to share with you. Please stay tuned.

Why CodeComet matters…

Why CodeComet matters…

Why CodeComet matters…

Free your engineers from tedious debugging and focus on feature development.

Empower your team with comprehensive insights into your API's health.

Boost your API's reliability and performance effortlessly.

FYI, we currently support C# and Python…

…with more support coming soon.

CodeComet is not for you if…

CodeComet is not for you if…

CodeComet is not for you if…

(What follows is sarcasm.)

You're convinced Generative AI is a passing fad.

You think API stands for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient.

You have a sticky note that says 'Not My Problem', and that works just fine.

You seek the thrill of firefighting production issues everyday.

You figure support will report the issue soon enough.

You respond to every bug report with "it's a feature!"

Join Our Waitlist

Join Our Waitlist

Join Our Waitlist

CodeComet’s API Copilot significantly accelerates the ability of engineering teams to detect, analyze and resolve API issues.

We’re excited to offer early access to a select group of users who manage REST APIs and work with .NET ecosystems. We’d especially love to bring on folks who have a specific vision for how our AI-powered solution will fit into their engineering workflows.